I had this program a while back that would read text from my computer. I thought it was really cool but up until about 10 minutes ago... I forgot what that program was called!

"Sayz Me is a free text-to-speech reader for Windows. Text is typed in or copied from the clipboard and then read aloud. Words are highlighted as they are spoken. Select voice, adjust reading speed, voice pitch, font, font size and color. Hides in the system tray. Very simple and easy to use. Freeware. BSD style license."


Sayz Me has been tested on Windows 98, 2000 and XP.

Please ensure that the Microsoft Speech API 4.0 and the Microsoft synthetic voices are installed.

NOTE: the installation order is important!

Be sure to install "spchapi.exe" first, followed by "msttsl.exe". These files should only need to be installed for Windows 98 and XP. They are already included in the default setup for Windows 2000.

More information about the myriad of Speech setups can be found at the Microsoft Speech website.

Source: http://www.datafurnace.net.au/sayzme/html/documentation.html